Meet the Worlds Most Trafficked Animal

Hello to all my lovely readers It is officially the Easter Weekend everybody, and I have a quick message to all my student readers. Use your easter holidays wisely. Most of your notes should be now completed so revise from these, and sit as many past papers as you possibly can! ...


Mother Natures Mothers!

Hello, again my loyal and lovely readers! Friday has come around which can only mean one thing - post day. In the great anticipation of Mothers Day 2017, I thought we could take a look at some mothers in Nature that will make all of ours look like angels!  Burying Beetles: Image ...


SOTW: Venemous Dragons

Hello again everyone I hope you have had an amazing week filled with productivity and hard work... No? Well you know that my blog is always here to alleviate some of the boredom and keep you on top on all your science need to know (by the way in case you didn't see they found ...


The Mini Monsters under your beds

Good morning to my lovely readers It is the best time of week again - Friday. In fact, this will be my first weekend working as a seasonal presenter for London Zoo on Sundays, so if you are around come and find me and say hi! Today's post title may sound slightly alarming, but ...


What on earth is CRISPR?

Hello, lovelies! It is officially post day!! Today's post is centred on that genetic editing technique that has kind of taken over headlines, generated a lot of public engagement on whether we have gone too far or not - CRISPR. To be honest with you, I am amazed at what ...


Friday Facts #20

Happy Friday everybody! Take a breather you have all survived to the end of the week, and to all those fellow UK dwellers we have all survived the winds of Hurricane Doris! It is the last Friday of February which can only mean one thing on the blog it is Friday Facts! It has been ...


Valentines Day Natures Way!

Happy Valentines Day everyone! There are 10,426 species of bird alive today. Some of nature's most intricate and astonishing courtship displays are carried out by avian species. However, Bowerbirds take female courtship to the next level.  Journey into the world of Bowerbirds ...

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