Greetings everybody,
Happy Friday! On the 12th April, media platforms everywhere blew up detailing the greatest escape of 'Inky' the octopus from his tank and into the wild! This got me to thinking, just how much do I know about cephalopods? And this is how we got to this blog post, to learn everything you would want to know about these guys. Enjoy!
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Conservation status: There are over 100 different species of octopus. Many of them remain unclassified under IUCN categories. Those that are classified are of least concern, however threats include overfishing.
Habitat: With around 100 different species of octopus their range is wide. One thing that unites them is that octopuses are often found hidden around coral or rocks. To show you an example of just how wide an octopus range can be take a look at the distribution map for the common octopus!
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Characteristics: Looking at an octopus you cannot help but think... what weird looking creatures. In fact, my little sister finds them really awkward animals, it didn't help when she found out that all their bodily organs are actually in their heads! Octopuses are so weirdly interesting that instead of looking at just one characteristic I chose serval key facts instead.
Octopuses are hands down the most developed of the invertebrates. So, is it surprising that octopuses have the largest brains, thereby, making them incredibly fast learners.
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The pacific striped octopus has a very unique hunting approach. When a shrimp is in sight, they compact themselves in order to avoid detection. The octopus would then be seen extending its tentacle above the shrimp - scaring it. In an attempt to flee the shrimp gets caught on a sucker from one of the other 7 surrounding tentacles!
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Female octopuses are pretty frightening in the cephalopod world. Males are rarely seen getting too close to the female during a sexual encounter. This is a precautionary measure in case the female becomes highly aggressive or attempts to eat him! How... intimate.
Females of the pacific striped octopus seem to be in a permanent state of motherhood. These girls lay eggs for up to six months, the mother then raises her brood for a further eight months. Doesn't stop there for this workaholic, once these eggs have hatched she will continue to feed them, have sex and lay more eggs! (hopefully not all at the same time)
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Ever wondered how an octopus with 8 limbs and no skeleton manages to not tie themselves in knots? Well, the reason we do not find octopuses tangled within their own limbs is due to a chemical they secrete. On the skins surface these chemicals can momentarily inhibit the suction cups.
It might just be possible that octopuses are actually not aware of where all 8 of their limbs are at every moment of the day!
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The octopus is part of the Coleoid cephalopods that have the largest nervous system found in invertebrates. In addition to this, they have a complex and sophisticated colouration system that is under the control from their neural system.
A group of scientists wanted to see just how much control these creatures have over their eight arms. They set up a series of tests, all of which the octopus conquered. Interestingly, completing these tests proved that octopuses can direct a single arm at any one time to carry out an incredibly complicated movement to reach a target.
Well there you have it guys! Some awesome facts about out cephalopod friends. One last one goes how many hearts an octopus has? Three!! Have an amazeballs weekend guys
Over and out
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